Welcome To Job News!

Meet Job News

Getting your career opportunities to stand out in the $15 billion a year highly competitive recruiting industry means making the right partner choices, your first of which is Job News.

Job News CEO Headshot
Our mission is to connect employers with job seekers in a fast, convenient way.

- Founder, Michael Talbott

31 years ago, Job News began in Louisville, KY, as a print-only recruitment strategy. Today, the company is national and employs nearly 100 full-time employees. Job News is now a complete recruitment advertising solution. We utilize the most innovative recruiting techniques to connect employers with great job candidates.

How a Simple Idea and Will to Succeed Evolved Into 31 Years of Winning for Every Client

Computer and Mobile Phone

Job News continues to innovate in order to consistently offer employers of all sizes the best recruitment products at a cost-effective price.

Job Recruitment on Mobile Phone

The 7-Day jobBlast product was introduced to help employers needing to make a big impact fast.

Digital Recruitment Campaign on Desktop

The 30-Day Digital Recruitment Campaign (DRC) was introduced. This product uniquely offered customers multiple advertising channels, guaranteed impressions and active posting management.

Recruitment Advertising on Radio

Job News product lines were further expanded into external media including TV, radio, billboards and third party print.

Jobseekers walking to Job News Job Fair

The Job Fair Division of Job News was launched to expand product offerings to existing customers and attract new customers. Job News delivered on service, response, and value to outperform the existing competition.

Digital Recruitment Ad on Desktop with Career Search Print Ad

The website jobnewsusa.com was launched and the dual media concept of purchasing a print ad and receiving a free web posting was introduced.

Job Fairs Near Me Map

Job News began expansion of their physical locations into cities across the United States. Competing employment publications began to emerge.


Job News was founded in Louisville, KY on September 16, 1994, as a niche employment publication offering local employers a cost-effective solution to the newspaper. The new product delivered results.

Our Directive for Success

Job News CCO Headshot
Trust, accountability, and transparency are the foundation of our culture.
-Chief Creative Officer,
Debbie Thoben

Job News has invested heavily in proprietary, programmatic software, AI, and other tools necessary to drive efficient results to our clients. Technology is a big part of the equation, but an even bigger part of success are the core values behind which Job News was founded.

Our Team at Work

Job News People, Principles, Process & Team-Work Drive Success. Our Values: For One and For All

Digital Recruitment Team Planning Session
We celebrate the individual, team, collaboration, and excellence through diversity.
  • Think like customers, take ownership in leading
  • Drive innovation through data, experience, and creativity
  • Appreciate and support your peers
Job News Employees Planning A Job Fair
Job News Employees Writing Job Posts

Here's Just One of Numerous Testimonials of How Job News Works for You.

Crown Services Inc Logo

Hey Barbara!

The ads you guys are running for us, for the COVID19 Investigative Response Team positions, are doing great. So great, in fact, that I've recommended to senior leadership that we suspend all other paid ads for those opportunities.

And it isn't just because of the quantity of apps we're getting from JobNews (though the quantity is SIGNIFICANT), it's the quality of applicants! I will share with you: we decided to simultaneously run paid ads with another very well known, national job seeker platform while our JobNews ads are running. Not surprisingly to you and me, the apps from the other site are mostly out of state candidates (even though the job posts clearly state travel throughout the Louisville Metro area is required!), or have no resume/work history, and not a single one includes a personal email address, even though we're paying a considerable price for these ads!

Meanwhile, applicant after applicant on JobingPRO is local, talented, experienced, and responsive! Well crafted resumes, personal phone numbers on the resumes, and email addresses right there on the dashboard!

On top of that (which is enough lol), you're always available, and so kind and helpful. The world, and especially the Recruiting Industry, needs more Barbara's!

Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you because it really makes my job SO MUCH EASIER knowing we have you guys in our corner! Thanks for everything you do!

Want up to 10X more applicants than you are receiving today?
Put Job News to Work for You

Job News Employs a Team of Creative, Technical, and Digital Experts

We hire the best so that we can deliver your best recruitment solution. Our talented staff, top-notch tools, and process make clients like Crown Services ecstatic with their results.

Insights From a Few Team Members

Vice President

By promoting, executing and delivering success for our customers and Co-Workers, we have no limits on how much we can achieve.

Job News Recruiting Site for Employers Team Photo

Join the Job News Team

Dont worry, we won't force you to wear ugly holiday sweaters and Santa hats. Those are wear-at-will. We will ensure you learn a lot, contribute, grow professionally, and have fun!